Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wine Bottles


I did a post back in January about wine bottles but I have developed my range of styles a bit since and thought it was time to show you the difference.

Firstly... the final image.

You may not notice a huge difference from the January shoot but technically it is quite different.

Here is the setup...

-Camera in the foreground... zoomed to about 250mm. f10, 200th roughly.
-Speedlite with snoot on the far left... (a snoot directs a very narrow beam of light, in this case at the label. It is homemade out of that 'twin plastic board'... realestate agent 'for-sale' signs.)
-Sheet of glass as a table for the bottle.
-2nd speedlite under the bottle to light the background.
-Small black-card with white A4 paper as a reflector on the LHS of the bottle.
-Large black-card on RHS of bottle to block most of the light. (easier to see in next pic)
-Black sheet over part of the background to create a nice sharp line down the RHS of the bottle.
-100cm X 80ch softbox on the 90 degrees to the RHS.

Closer view... yes they are professionally approved salt and pepper shakers!

From this angle you can see the gap that creates the nice highlight down the RHS of the bottle.

From behind...

And it looks just as good with Red Wine.


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