Friday, January 7, 2011

More Melb@500


I am always sceptical of abstract photos by people who have not spent years studying... it is too easy to take a really crap photo and call it abstract. That said here I go... in two groups of two images a here is my attempt.

Not totally abstracted but these two (in my mind anyway) are using hard lines, negative space and simple composition tricks to suck the eye around the image.

Gotta love reflections in windows... these are two of about 40 I took in QV where the low sun was bouncing funky light around a narrow glassy laneway. I started by getting at least one of the figures sharp but then thought that part of the photo dominated the frame too much. From then it became an exercise in composition and color, I also thought the highlights around silhouettes started to add interesting shapes in their own right when short focused like this.

As mentioned in the last post, I would love to have company of others with their cameras (point and shoot, SLR or large format) while randomly hunting light in the city, just let me know.

Feel free to comment... all feedback is good.

I have also almost finished my Facebook business page on which you might be reading this... make sure you "like" it...!


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