Friday, September 16, 2011

The EUREKA Shoot


The 4 hours I had on the roof of the Eureka Tower last night felt like 5 minutes. 3 Cameras, 2 Time-lapses and almost 20Gb of shooting... yes that is Gigabytes.

There was probably about 20% more cloud cover than I would have liked so the day shots were a bit flat and there wasn't much blue around BUT according to the tower management a night as calm as last night is rare up there. Apparently even the best tripods can have issues remaining rightside up most of the time so I'm not complaining.

This is going to sound obvious but it is a big building. From the top of Eureka the top of the Rialto is below the horizon... and not by a little bit. Even the office towers at the top of Collins Hill (Collins 101 etc) are well below the horizon. I could go on and on about the view/experience but I doubt anyone is reading this and are already looking at the pictures.

Firstly, a big thank-you to Will Watt who arranged access to the roof. He is a great photographer and runs the awesome blog... Melbourne Street... where he post a new photo every day of life on Melbourne Streets. I'm sure Melbourne Street will have some of his shots form last night on it soon too.

Here he is hard at work...

So here are a selection of shots from the shoot in rough chronological order and various stages of editing.... Enjoy!

The good old Miniature or Tilt Shift Effect. I have about 30 more of these to look at when I get a chance... time consuming/wasting fun!

 This is the shot (or a similar version) that I went up for... it will be use in the Laneways and Rooftops book as a double pager.

 Above and Below... similar angles here day and night...

That's it for now... I will definitely be putting up another post soon with the time-lapses... and if you like... maybe some more stills. Remember to 'like' my Facebook business page if you haven't already... it's good for my ego.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Melbourne Spring Fashion Week 2011 Stage Design Time-Lapse.


I just finished this clip for 'Qualia Creative' of their stage design and a time-lapse of the installation process at the Business Series Seminar at the Melbourne Spring Fashion Week 2011.

Time-lapse is a great way to show off this type of work and, in a world of increasing web content possibilities, a great way of livening up a website!


Friday, September 2, 2011

Time-Lapse Fun in Docklands


This week I've been playing around with time-lapse sequences or movies... here is one of my early tries and I'll be adding some more interesting ones in the future. Check it out...

This one is all about the colors on the buildings, sky and water so there are not many moving elements, which are fun in time lapse, but as an exercise there was a lot of technical lighting stuff that shooting this gave me the chance to fine tune. You can see this especially in the sky as it gets dark quickly... occasionally it looks like it flashes slightly... this is the exposure being changed in small steps and reducing this obviously something to practice.

Shooting this reinforced a theory I have had for a while... that is not until you stop in a location for a while that you actually see the details and therefore see the photo options. Most of the time when I am street shooting or going after landscapes or nature I plan a rough A to B path and look for shots between the two. This seems efficient but it is important to force yourself to stop in a seemingly boring location and take it in... you would be surprised how often, after a while, you start seeing shots you would have missed.

Shooting time lapses forces you to stop (in order to keep an eye on the camera) and I'll be making the most of the backup camera in the mean time.
