Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Not my normal work...


I'm really excited to have been asked to take part in a fine art and literature book being put together by some graphic designer and publisher friends of mine... (more details when it is finalised). So I thought I would post my submission here as a sneak peak.

It is very different work than from my commercial work but photography for arts-sake is a direction I see myself heading in bit by bit down the track. You may recognise the concept in an earlier stage of development from a post in February. I have some other work and ideas to support this image in a series which I might post in the future too.

Here is the text I submitted with the image explaining my motivations and feelings behind the concept... I would love to hear any feed back you might have.

" is an intentionally hyper-symbolic statement in which the viewer is (hopefully) encouraged to assign their own values to each symbol and therefore create their own overall story.

To me the table place setting composition speaks of consumerism and/or the necessities of life, the bubbles of CO2 are the hidden environmental cost of this and the heart represents both the life and death nature of the decisions associated with this and questions what is really important in life. To me this is emphasised by the subversion of the glossy commercial magazine genre by using clinical studio lighting and the pure white background on such a graphic subject. But that's just me!


Sorry about the watermark...(there is a good reason for it, I'll tell you about one day!)


Monday, March 21, 2011

Laneways 2


More Laneway shots for the book... I'm enjoying the warm contrasty slightly de-saturated look in some of these, it is often the simple effects that are the most striking.

Brad. (be sure to 'like' it)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

T'Gallant Food


Still shooting wineries this week and visited T'Gallent on the Mornington Penninsular today... thanks for the lunch Rob and Anna! I had met Rob the Chef on a previous shoot at a different venue last year so it was good to shoot his food again... gotta love the flowers!


Thursday, March 3, 2011



As you might know I am currently working on a book about restaurants and bars in Melbourne's Laneways and Rooftops with Smudge Publishing.

Here is a sneak peek of a laneway shot... taken conveniently from my front door.
